Saturday, April 17, 2010

Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Rose Steadily In 2010

Non ferrous metals industry has experienced the gradual pick up in 2009, after 2010 the demand will continue to show significant growth.

States Securities researcher analysts believe that in 2010, investment and consumption is still the main engine driving the growth of GDP. According to the fixed asset investment, GDP elasticity coefficient related to industry needs, and contribute to the downstream end is estimated that by 2010 China's copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and the actual demand of 12% year on year growth rate of 16% or so. Began the rate of warming followed by the demand rise.

Over the past year or so, non ferrous metals industry, the country by the international financial crisis the most serious one of the industries. "Non ferrous Metal revitalization planning" introduced the occasion, the whole industry is facing a price volume Qi down, industry round loss dilemma. Analysts pointed out that the implementation of plans over the past year, non ferrous metal industry has achieved positive progress in the multiple positive factors, in 2010, the overall trend will be maintained steadily, but also no shortage of pressure.

Data show that in 2009 non ferrous Mining and Dressing Industry from January to November total profit of 25.675 billion yuan, down 26.68 percent; non ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry achieved a total profit of 55.265 billion yuan, down 17.11%. Cumulative total profit year on year decline narrowed.

Non ferrous metal mesh co director Wang Li, a new channel told the "China's Sankei Shimbun" reporter, "4 trillion," a package of investment plans to inject new vitality of China's economy, directly contributed to real estate, automotive and other industries recovery, but also indirectly, stimulating of non ferrous metals demand. Also, non ferrous metals industry, the revitalization plan, direct purchase of electricity policy and national purchasing and storage also played at that time had an immediate effect. Significantly accelerate the warming trend throughout the industry, basically realized "in 2009 to maintain stable operation of industry," the planning objectives.

However, not all are good news.

At the recent "2010 Non ferrous Metal Industry Development" seminar, analysts believe that the possibility of greatly based on the current excess capacity situation, as well as economic recovery and liquidity contraction intertwined conflicts, non ferrous metal prices in 2010 will likely show continued rising and moving towards a pattern of wide shocks

"Do not rule out further recovery as the economy, countries will come out of loose monetary policy, tightening credit, reduce market liquidity, will form a certain amount of pressure on metal prices." Securities analyst, who asked not be named, told the "China Sankei Shimbun "reporter.

"Good posture is not the first half of suspense, in the second half of the price may be downhill trend in the late rebound may have." Metal mesh co director Wang Li hsin, non ferrous metal channel.

In addition, from the overall pattern of the country's point of view, there are also many problems in the industry.

At present non ferrous metals industry, primarily in the three major problems remain to be resolved: excess capacity; industry, the degree of intensification is not high, enterprise comprehensive strength of the weak; raw materials, foreign dependency, the lack of international pricing right to speak.

"Revitalization of the plan, there is an important goal corporate restructuring, in 2009, and has not made good progress. Urgent need to adjust industrial layout and eliminate backward production tasks are still difficult." Wang told reporters that a new, non ferrous industry, the difficulty will be greater than the steel industry restructuring , scattered and miscellaneous non ferrous industry, the most prominent feature is the same time, will also be the biggest obstacle to the reorganization process.

State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Deputy Director of Research Center, one of the "China's Sankei Shimbun," told reporters that the future will continue to promote mergers and acquisitions to develop a competitive industry, leading enterprises, and encourage powerful enterprises to accelerate the "go out "the pace of acquisition of overseas projects to reduce dependence on foreign raw materials.

According to the plan objectives, to form a 3 5 with strong comprehensive strength, enterprise group, in 2011, the domestic top ten of copper, aluminum, lead and zinc production in the country's total output of enterprises proportion increased to 90 %, 70%, 60%, 60%.

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