Sunday, April 18, 2010

Natural Treatment For Depression - What Effective Options Are There?

Depression is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses. Lives of people with depression can be affected dramatically. Being depressed may take away your interest to do things that are important for you, and it can also take away your sense of pleasure, depriving you of drive to do enjoyable activities. Before depression becomes severe, you should depend on natural treatment for depression as they create little or no side effects.

There are several options to choose from when you want a natural treatment for depression, all of which are safe and are free from side effects. Here are the most popular choices of natural depression remedy:

Herbal remedy for depression is a famous choice by people who are looking for natural treatment against depression. If you are considering having these remedies, you must first be aware of the common herbs used in these natural remedies.

St. John's wort has been used for years to combat feelings of sadness and worry. Research shows that this herb is an effective antidepressant remedy for mild to moderate depression. St. John's wort includes substances such as tannins, glycosides, and volatile oils, terpenes, and flavonoids which will help in alleviating symptoms of depression.

Another herb used as a natural treatment for depression is Gingko Biloba. It will improve blood circulation in the brain, which in turn, improve the production and regulation of certain neurotransmitters that are involved in depression.

Third is Valerian. This will address symptoms of depression such as insomnia, irritability, and lack of focus. It also promotes a balanced and relaxed mood by relaxing the central nervous system through its valepotriates.

One more is Siberian Ginseng. This herb has been proven to improve balance of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine, making the body and mind more capable of dealing with stress, improve abstract thinking, and eventually promote emotional wellness.

Fifth in this list is Kava. It contains kavalactones which help in balancing of certain hormones to reduce symptoms of depression. Studies have shown that this is as effective as other prescription drugs, though it works without side effects.

Stress management skills are an absolute necessity in today's fast paced and quickly changing world, and even more so if you're consistently experiencing some level of depression or anxiety.

Biofeedback, meditation and focused relaxation training can help you release stress before it builds up to harmful levels. Regular exercise is an easy and effective way to reduce your stress levels, and is especially helpful if your daily life tends to be sedentary.

Current research is revealing the important role diet and digestion play in the emotions we experience. The stomach and intestines have a very sensitive nervous system network called the enteric nervous system. Stress negatively affects this system which can result in indigestion, acid reflux or ulcers. Paying some attention to diet can be a good way to help heal depression naturally.

Highly processed foods can cause an allergic irritation in the digestive system because of the high levels of artificial additives it contains. Some improvement in depression symptoms may be noticed from simply switching from processed food to organic, natural food. Also finding and eliminating food allergens from the diet is important.

This Mixed Vegetable Salad Is Perfect For Many Occasions And The Dressing Will Keep Indefinitely

Not all salads are made of green leafy vegetables! This mixed vegetable salad is a perfect example of a salad for those who aren't fond of lettuce! It goes well with everything from burgers to steak, poultry to fish. It is also perfect for potlucks, pitch-ins, reunions, or just a good family meal at home. Having trouble getting in the needed servings of veggies a day? Let this salad help. The dressing for this salad is also good on other salads. When stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container, this dressing will last indefinitely. For diabetics or others watching their sugar intake, substitute one cup of Splenda granular for the sugar in the dressing.

Another old recipe from my Southern Indiana roots.

1 can green beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can peas
1 can lima beans (not butter beans)
1/2 cup diced onion
2 cups diced celery
1 cup diced green bell pepper
3 tbsp pimento

Drain the green beans, kidney beans, the peas, and lima beans. Mix the beans and peas together lightly. Add the onion, celery, bell pepper, and pimento; toss the mixture to blend well and set aside.

1 cup sugar
2 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt
dash of freshly ground pepper
1 cup vinegar
1/2 cup water
2 tbsp mustard

In a medium saucepan combine the sugar, cornstarch, salt, and pepper. Stir in the vinegar, water, and mustard. Cook over medium heat until the mixture boils, stirring frequently. Pour dressing over the vegetable mixture until well coated. Store any leftover dressing in the refrigerator in a covered container. It will keep indefinitely.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Estheticians Do And Where They Do It

If you have ever had a facial, microdermabrasion, waxing, or a body wrap, chances are an esthetician, or skin care specialist, performed the service on you. Estheticians go through professional training in a school with classes specifically designed to teach them the skills needed to be successful in their career choice. Each state has a set of requirements that must be met before a license is earned.

Skin care is a multi-million dollar a year industry and skin care specialists play an important role in this money generating business. Women of all ages are continuously on a quest for beautiful skin, be it a teenager in search of a deep cleanse to combat their acne or a 55 year-old woman wanting a gentle chemical peel to get rid of her age spots. In most states an esthetician can perform both of these services as well as a host of others.

Are you in need of a relaxing facial massage? Extraction of blackheads? Microdermabrasion to freshen sun damaged skin? Are you hoping for perfectly arched eyebrows? Would you like makeup applied for a special occasion? Generally a skin care specialist can perform these services.

Where do estheticians normally practice? Skin care specialists can practice in a spa or salon and they can even work with a doctor or dermatologist.

There are many day spas that employ skin care specialists to perform body wraps, including mud wraps and hot linen wraps. Salons oftentimes provide estheticians to their customers for makeup application, eyebrow tinting, eyebrow and facial waxing, and to give manicures, pedicures, and facials. In busy dermatologist offices skin care specialists are often the ones who aid the doctor by performing microdermabrasion, light chemical peels, and laser hair removal.

If you love people, work well with your hands, and are gentle and conscientious, you may want to look into becoming an esthetician

How To Control Cholesterol By Natural Remedies

LDL cholesterol clogs arteries and is better at the lowest levels. HDL is naturally made in our bodies and is better at higher levels. There is prescription medication that a doctor can prescribe if we have too much of the bad cholesterol, and it is not recommended to replace that medication with home remedies.

LDL cholesterol causes a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries while HDL cholesterol carries the cholesterol from other parts of the body to the liver which removes it. Higher LDL levels increases chances of getting heart disease while higher HDL levels lower them.

Different types of cholesterol-reducing drugs work in different ways. Not all cholesterol comes from the diet some is made in the body. So the strategy of some drugs is to prevent the body from making cholesterol. Other cholesterol-reducing drugs interfere with the body's ability to absorb cholesterol from food.

'Exercise: - Exercise more is given not only to lose weight. The strict to reduce cholesterol diet is ineffective in people with high-risk cholesterol when not accompanied by physical exercise has been shown. In addition, only accompanied by adequate dietary seen exercise improves cholesterol levels regardless of weight loss. Don't need to make great efforts, on the contrary, it is sufficient to walk half an hour a day
'Lowering Cholesterol Naturally: - Lowering cholesterol naturally can be done by addressing four areas, which include diet, weight, exercise and lifestyle changes. This article provides an outline of the changes that need to be made.
'Cholesterol Lowering Foods List: - High cholesterol levels can result in many health problems like heart diseases and other coronary complications. Here is cholesterol lowering foods list that will help you reduce the bad cholesterol or LDL in your system to help keep the cholesterol levels in check.
'Garlic: - Research says that garlic has blood thinning properties and plays a major role in reducing levels of bad cholesterol or low density lipoproteins. Garlic contains a substance called allicin, which supposedly prevents the retention of LDL cholesterol by the body. It is shown that consumption of one clove of garlic per day can lessen the LDL levels by almost ten to fifteen percent.

How to control Cholesterol: -

'Eat fish, skinless poultry and lean meats. These foods offer protein but too much protein will give you more saturated fat (cholesterol) than you need.
'Eat fish at least twice a week. Fish is lower in fat than most meats. The fat contained in fish has come beneficial oils called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be heart and blood vessel protective.
'Reduce high-fat dairy products. High fat dairy products are sour cream, cream cheese, hard cheese, processed cheese, butter, whipped cream and whole milk. Some low-fat dairy products are: yogurt, cottage cheese, and low-fat or non-fat milk.
'Hidden fat. Be aware of the hidden fat in your diet. Danish, pastries and cookies have large amounts of oil and fat. A muffin could add 4 or 5 teaspoons of fat to your diet.

What Are The Signs And Treatments For Depression In Elderly?

Depression in the elderly can often remain untreated and even undiagnosed for a number of reasons. A major part of this is due to the difficulty in separating the symptoms of depression from other ailments they may have.

These symptoms can manifest from negative life events that can grow in number the more years we live.

Some of the events that can cause this situation include:

Chronic illness, pain or disease, financial strain, a loss of job, retirement or a loss of a significant other.

Symptoms of depression:

Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, However, there are classic symptoms that are easily recognized when one is educated and knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms to look for. If you know of an elderly person with these symptoms, contact their health care professional immediately for help.

- Insomnia

- Oversleeping.

- Loss of interest in usual activities

- Weight loss or gain

- Fatigue

- Feelings of despair, helplessness and low belief in self-worth.

- Suicide is being considered.

While depression tends to be more common in the elderly, it is not something that should be expected of an elderly person and therefore overlooked. There are several factors that make the elderly more at risk for depression.

Depression risk factors:

- Family history

- Age

- Gender

- Chronic physical pain

- Chronic disease, such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes

- Medications

- Abuse of alcohol

Most people who have been diagnosed with depression have someone in their family who is also depressed. The factor of age is significant, due to having lived a longer life you will have experienced many losses along the way. These can include losing a spouse or child, as well as other close and beloved family members and friends.

Gender: Depression is more common in females with hormones and in particular menopause being a major factor in this statistic. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment commonly used to combat this.

Pain & Disease: Constantly being in pain or dealing with disease can weaken even the strongest of minds.

Medications: There are side effects to most medications, and one of these can be depression. This is often true in medications such as zovirax, muscle relaxants or anticonvuslants when taken by the elderly.

When these medications are required for health, then another medication must be added to combat the depression that another drug may have caused. There has to be a better way.

Alcohol: If an elderly person suffers from depression, then the abuse of alcohol (itself a depressant) can only worsen the situation.

If you know of an older person who has the signs and symptoms of depression, it is very important to seek the help of a mental health professional as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment for depression in the elderly.

Archos Mp3 Mp4 Players: Great All Round Entertainment

If you want access to your music and movies on the move then Archos MP3 players do the job perfectly. Able to take your entire music collection and a number of full-length movies, the Archos 504 delivers great sound, crystal clear display and is small enough to fit into your pocket.

Not so long ago you would need to watch movies using a TV and video. Next came DVDs and now movies are available in a wide range of digital formats that are easy to transfer onto your favourite listening and viewing device. Simply convert your chosen film to MP4 format using the software supplied with your Archos MP3 player and away you go. It really is that easy and with a few clicks you will be viewing your movie on a clear screen measuring 4.3 inches and delivering great sound.

If you have a long boring commute to work then why not make the journey more exciting by taking along your MP3 player? Plug in your headphones, choose the music you want to listen to or the film you want to watch and the morning rush hour will fade away. The sound quality on the Archos 504 is amazing and will capture every piece of dialogue and every special effect in perfect clarity. Your MP3s will not lose any of their original quality and the supplied headphones are more than sufficient to deliver crisp sound. Some Archos models also boast WiFi allowing for the download of movies directly to your MP3 player or you can choose to access the Internet and your emails on the move. Archos MP3 players really do offer you a lot of choice and are very reasonably priced.

If you want to find the best deals on the Archos 504 then the best thing to do is shop around online. Forget wasting time looking at individual websites. Price comparison websites offer the latest prices in one handy place. You can also view details about delivery charges, product reviews and whether the item is in stock. Surely that sounds better than trudging around the high street only to find that your chosen MP3 player is out of stock or out of your price range.

One Way To Burn Belly Fat In 3 Days - Without Making Yourself Sick

Who else is having trouble with belly fat? If you are anything like I used to be... one of the biggest enemies of self esteem, especially as the weather warms up, is belly fat. Let's be honest: It's unappealing. It's unflattering. It feels bad... LOOKS bad and none of us enjoys lugging it around on the beach, in the boardroom... and CERTAINLY not in the bedroom :-)

The good news? Belly fat is MUCH easier to lose than many people will have you believe. While SPOT fat loss is often considered one of the most controversial elements of the diet movement, there ARE ways that I've been personally able to lose fat SPECIFICALLY around my belly, and I'm going to share them with you below.

Filed Under: Juice Feasting

This is often called "fasting" by the uninitiated, but it's really "feasting" if you've ever done it... because it's easy and it's abundant. The simple truth is that a lot of the BULGE of belly fat is caused by inflammation. And inflammation is often the result of a whole host of things that aren't really related to typical dietary discipline. For example...many naturopaths, alternative wellness doctors and gurus believe that a significant portion of your "bulge" is actually caused by accumulated waste in the colon...and the digestive tract. This leads to poor elimination, pockets of unsightly deposits, and ultimately, a body you CAN'T be proud matter how much you try. A juice fast is an easy way to gently eliminate a lot of this "gunk"....while simultaneously, lessening the inflammation in your body to boot! (plus it feels amazing as anyone who has ever tried a juice feast... your body, mind AND spirit are rejuvenated in a way that's difficult to explain to those who haven't tried it)

My favorite way to get moving on a juice fast?

Go to the store, and simply buy healthy, natural and wholesome juices that are NOT from concentrate. Fresh squeezed is best... and while pasteurization is supposed to KILL some of the natural enzymes in the fruits and vegetables, I find that's a pretty over-rated concern for a 3 day juice fast. There are a few brands that are really, really good...and while I don't want to make any specific recommendations here, carrot juice is pretty easy to get at any supermarket, and tastes pretty good, too! (and is often 100% carrots, and not filler, like many of the higher calorie fruit juices are)

It's truly amazing how much of a difference you'll feel after only a few short days of this... and as long as you are up for it (check with your doctor) it's a wonderful and safe way to lose belly fat in a hurry!

But understand this as well... it's NOT a long term solution. It's a quick start, and a good one at that. But for a BIG picture view of life long OPTIMAL health and wellness, you need a bigger goal, and a bigger permanent plan to help you get there!

How To Create An Exciting Employee Suggestion Program

You may have a boss. You may have a manager. You may have a team leader that you need to report to. But just because you aren't "the boss" doesn't mean that you don't have good ideas to contribute to the company. Good managers and leaders listen to, and value the input and suggestions of their employees. But all too often, despite a leader's willingness to listen, this message has not been relayed adequately to the employees. As a result, employees are often hesitant and/or afraid to offer suggestions or to open up with their ideas.

The idea of a "suggestion box" is age old, but many companies and organizations have eliminated them, seeing them only as a receptacle for grievances and complaints. A well run suggestion campaign, can however, be successful if organized properly. When a manager has a sincere commitment to making the program work, they get everyone involved, and offer rewards that will motivate employees to contribute, a suggestion program can do great things. In some companies contributors' ideas have led them to accomplish everything from saving money to creating new products; from eliminating unnecessary procedures to improving overall quality.

All it really takes to run a successful suggestion program is the effort, the commitment and some positive reinforcement. Here are some things a manager can do to get a great suggestion program started:

_Create a well publicized and positive employee suggestion program. Make sure that senior management is fully behind the program and then advertise it prominently to all employees. Send out personal letters to encourage employee participation

_Develop an easy to use suggestion form that is detailed enough to allow the contributor to include details such as how much money may be saved, what the benefits of taking this action would be, and what their recommended plan of action might be. Include right on the form a thank you for the suggestion, as well as a time frame for expecting comments from the suggestion committee.

_Maintain interest and participation by acknowledging all responses right away. If employees start to feel that the program is not taken seriously, they will lose interest and no longer offer ideas.

_Create a suggestion committee to evaluate ideas made up of a cross section of employees from various departments and who hold a variety of positions. Give this committee the power to initiate action upon suggestions in a timely manner.

_Once a suggestion has been accepted and is going to be acted upon, notify the contributor right away. Then keep them updated as to the progress of implementation of their ideas, and encourage their ongoing communication as the project progresses.

_Recognize contributors with some form of reward and make the presentation of the award public. This might include such things as a little write up in the monthly newsletter, a posting on a company bulletin board or acknowledgement at a monthly staff meeting.

_Most of all: make it positive, fun and worthwhile for everyone!

Drug Addiction Treatment Would Not Be A Matter Of Concern Again

When it comes to the discussion of drug addiction then first it should be mentioned that what drug addiction is about; it is a kind of habit which is primarily characterized by a compulsive and unmanageable temptation for drug. This is a chronic and highly complicated disease that usually makes the patients' lives terrible and for them it becomes difficult to focus on other essential day to day activities. Sometimes, in very critical cases, drug addiction can take lives of the addicted persons.

Studies have revealed that prolonged use of drug has very negative effect on the patients' brain functioning. As per the doctors, it is a pathological situation and proper treatments in this situation are essentials. If you or any of your dear ones is suffering from drug addiction then no matter the addiction is prolonged or not, you should not neglect the concern and without any delay should consult with a doctor.

According to the health experts, the actual problem lies with the drug addicts themselves, because in majority of the cases the addicts do not accept their addiction behaviors as a negative habit and threat for the life. That's why this is the responsibility of the near-dear ones of the addicts is to make them understand that they have a very bad habit and the addiction can cause big trouble in the near future. This is the most important factor in addiction treatment. You are suggested that if any of your known persons is suffering from drug addiction then it is the time to intervene the person and make the person realize that how much dangerous the result will be.

After you successfully make the addict convince, you should get him/her in a renowned and reliable drug treatment program. In the present time there are a wide range of treatments available easily, like loort groups, residential treatment and so on.

Multiple Tasks With A Single Account Of Joomla

Joomla is becoming popular open source content management system which helps to supervise content of the website and it has inbuilt features which are useful to anyone due to this reason many people across the world using WordPress a lot. Basically WordPress is useful for blog management and allows managing blogs easily and it can be used as a web address for your blog site.

Joomla has many themes which are accessible online and easily downloadable. WordPress themes are also accessible to implement into your personal website which can help in enhancing the look of the website and increase the popularity of your blog sites. A Joomla account has ability to perform many things like you can install many plug-ins and submit articles, it is also related with web designing and much more. To efficiently execute many tasks you require single account in respect to operate with the website for various reasons. You need to fill up proper data and once you are done with that you can easily access Joomla by using your login credentials.

Using the help of highly useful administrator control panel you can do things like writing articles and can submit it also and for that you just have to have access using your login credentials. When you login into it the first mentioned is the link of your article and on the detail view screen add the title for the article in the top section of the page and the rest of the space will be filled up with the content of the article.

There are various inbuilt applications in Joomla so you can get the best use of these applications with your account. Joomla provides Social program to support into acquiring the best gain for networking but if you are new to this application and like to know how Joomla login works for this social application then the answer is very easy because you just require having one account with Joomla. This social application provided by Joomla is the combination of various features and it is used to connect with friend and family and start chat with them.

You can upload and share your photos and other information easily by simply using this login and even there are varieties of modules and templates for Joomla which are available on the various websites. Using them you can design effective website easily and you will be amazed to know that the components of this social application provided by Joomla is working directly with core Software programs which are essential for the development of social networking for all the users. Users have the facility to create and participate in the social groups whenever they want by just login in to it.

Benefits Of A Diabetes Meal Plan

Diet has a great influence on your odds of developing diabetes. As proof, the number of cases of diabetes diagnosed in a country is very closely correlated with the percentage of people that are obese in that country. Further proof is reflected by the fact that people over the world in countries with relatively low rates of diabetes who migrate here and adopt our eating habits suddenly find that they begin to develop diabetes at approximately the same rate as we do. All of this serves to highlight the fact that, as a culture, Americans tend to have poor eating habits.

For those with diabetes, diet is even more important. It is imperative that they adopt a sensible diabetes meal plan in order to prevent their disease from getting worse. To do that, they have to start to take greater interest in the foods that they eat. A good diabetes meal plan focuses primarily on number of calories in the meal and the percentage of carbohydrates and attempts to keep both of these numbers on the low side.

Many diabetes food plans use an exchange plan to make it easier for the person to follow the diet. In a food plan, foods that are similar are grouped together. At each meal, the person is allowed to take a certain number of portions from each food group. And, within a particular food group, they are allowed to exchange a portion of any one food for any other food. In such a diabetes meal plan, there are 7 groups. They are starches, meats, fruits, milks, vegetables, fats, and carbohydrates (other than bread). An exchange plan gives you a lot of flexibility in planning your diet.

If you have trouble coming up with your own exchange plan, there are many recipe sites on the Internet that can help you out. In just about every city there are also registered dietitians that can help you choose the perfect food plan for yourself.

As a diabetic, before you make any drastic changes to your diet, however, you should consult with your doctor or health professional. You want to be sure that certain foods aren't interfering with any drugs that your doctor may have prescribed. You also want to be sure that the diet changes you are planning to make are nutritionally safe. It's also possible that your doctor, while he may have no objection to your new diet, may still want to monitor you for blood sugar changes, weight gains, or other changes that occur to your body after you have begun your new diet regime.

A good diabetes meal plan will help you to keep your blood glucose levels within controllable ranges. It will also ensure that you have a good balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in your diet. In fact, a good diabetes meal plan is even good for those that don't have the disease.

The main thing with diets is that they have to be practical - to you. They have to be plans that you can comfortably commit to. If you can't, then odds are that you won't stay on it very long.

Prevent Aging Skin Early, Use A Neck Cream Before It Is Too Late

'''''''''' With the ozone layer growing weaker by the day allowing the suns UV rays to reach us quicker than ever, the need for sun care and anti aging products has definitely increased as well as our understanding of what our environment can do to our bodies and skin. We all know the importance of using a cream with good ingredients for our face, neck, and the rest of our body, but the question still remains when is the right time to start being proactive against our aging skin.

'''''''''' The answer is very simple and straight to the point, it is never too early to start. Take for example a company by the name of Dermajuv. They offer products that combined the fighting of daily bacteria with the preventative treatment of an anti aging product. Dermajuv offers acne fighting treatments that contain ingredients that kill acne as well as regenerate damaged skin (your skin ages mostly due to damaged skin). They offer a neck cream that not only helps with tightening up loose skin but also moisturizers and nourishes the skin. Actually, the Dermajuv neck cream is probably one of their best products in the realm of preventative care.

'''''''''' The reason I say this about Dermajuvs neck cream is due to the ingredients that are present in the product. Sesaflash ( a gentle tightening agent), Hyaluronic Acid (our bodies natural moisturizer), and Stem Cells (a cell copier for a doubling effect on healing) are among the great neck cream ingredients, that if used at an early age, can cause for a life time of great skin. This is due to the fact that as we age, the natural processes and cells in our bodies that keep our skin young and smooth start to die away due to our daily exposure to the outside world. This leaves wrinkles, lines and extra skin on our face letting us know that our body has finally started to slow down. So, if we start using a neck cream like the Dermajuv neck cream at a younger age, we are doubling up on our natural processes and cells giving our body an easier time keeping us youthful. By using a neck cream with the ingredients like Dermajuvs neck cream you are giving you're an extra hand in handling the environmental elements that age our skin quicker.

''''''''' My point is that by helping your body out sooner, by using creams and products that contain ingredients aimed at helping your skin in the long run, you are giving yourself a lot more time of enjoying a youthful complexion. So before it becomes too late, and your skin is already to damaged for you to help it bounce back, start using products like the Dermajuv line. Mixing daily cleansing ingredients with the right anti aging ingredients to prolong your skin is the way all skin care products should be. Dermajuv neck creams and other Dermajuv products are a good example of a company with the right products for the right time. Just do not wait too long to start. Your body will thank you.

Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Rose Steadily In 2010

Non ferrous metals industry has experienced the gradual pick up in 2009, after 2010 the demand will continue to show significant growth.

States Securities researcher analysts believe that in 2010, investment and consumption is still the main engine driving the growth of GDP. According to the fixed asset investment, GDP elasticity coefficient related to industry needs, and contribute to the downstream end is estimated that by 2010 China's copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and the actual demand of 12% year on year growth rate of 16% or so. Began the rate of warming followed by the demand rise.

Over the past year or so, non ferrous metals industry, the country by the international financial crisis the most serious one of the industries. "Non ferrous Metal revitalization planning" introduced the occasion, the whole industry is facing a price volume Qi down, industry round loss dilemma. Analysts pointed out that the implementation of plans over the past year, non ferrous metal industry has achieved positive progress in the multiple positive factors, in 2010, the overall trend will be maintained steadily, but also no shortage of pressure.

Data show that in 2009 non ferrous Mining and Dressing Industry from January to November total profit of 25.675 billion yuan, down 26.68 percent; non ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry achieved a total profit of 55.265 billion yuan, down 17.11%. Cumulative total profit year on year decline narrowed.

Non ferrous metal mesh co director Wang Li, a new channel told the "China's Sankei Shimbun" reporter, "4 trillion," a package of investment plans to inject new vitality of China's economy, directly contributed to real estate, automotive and other industries recovery, but also indirectly, stimulating of non ferrous metals demand. Also, non ferrous metals industry, the revitalization plan, direct purchase of electricity policy and national purchasing and storage also played at that time had an immediate effect. Significantly accelerate the warming trend throughout the industry, basically realized "in 2009 to maintain stable operation of industry," the planning objectives.

However, not all are good news.

At the recent "2010 Non ferrous Metal Industry Development" seminar, analysts believe that the possibility of greatly based on the current excess capacity situation, as well as economic recovery and liquidity contraction intertwined conflicts, non ferrous metal prices in 2010 will likely show continued rising and moving towards a pattern of wide shocks

"Do not rule out further recovery as the economy, countries will come out of loose monetary policy, tightening credit, reduce market liquidity, will form a certain amount of pressure on metal prices." Securities analyst, who asked not be named, told the "China Sankei Shimbun "reporter.

"Good posture is not the first half of suspense, in the second half of the price may be downhill trend in the late rebound may have." Metal mesh co director Wang Li hsin, non ferrous metal channel.

In addition, from the overall pattern of the country's point of view, there are also many problems in the industry.

At present non ferrous metals industry, primarily in the three major problems remain to be resolved: excess capacity; industry, the degree of intensification is not high, enterprise comprehensive strength of the weak; raw materials, foreign dependency, the lack of international pricing right to speak.

"Revitalization of the plan, there is an important goal corporate restructuring, in 2009, and has not made good progress. Urgent need to adjust industrial layout and eliminate backward production tasks are still difficult." Wang told reporters that a new, non ferrous industry, the difficulty will be greater than the steel industry restructuring , scattered and miscellaneous non ferrous industry, the most prominent feature is the same time, will also be the biggest obstacle to the reorganization process.

State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Deputy Director of Research Center, one of the "China's Sankei Shimbun," told reporters that the future will continue to promote mergers and acquisitions to develop a competitive industry, leading enterprises, and encourage powerful enterprises to accelerate the "go out "the pace of acquisition of overseas projects to reduce dependence on foreign raw materials.

According to the plan objectives, to form a 3 5 with strong comprehensive strength, enterprise group, in 2011, the domestic top ten of copper, aluminum, lead and zinc production in the country's total output of enterprises proportion increased to 90 %, 70%, 60%, 60%.

Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Lose Weight Fast- Without Diet Scams

The main reason most people cannot lose weight rapidly is because they are buying diet and weight loss products. The big business that get rich selling diet products don't want you to know this, but here's the facts: Not ONE weight loss products has been proven to be effective on a permanrnt basis for fast weight loss. When you see a sales pitch to lose your belly or body fat fast, the pitch is basically this: Just BUY what we're selling, and let it quickly melt or burn off all your fat for you. The bad news is, there just one little problem with that. Millions of of people that cannot lose weight fast- while at the same time spending billions have shown that no diet products work.Don't think that's true? The goverment says that 66% of Americans are overweight- or even obese. But why can't diet products help people that cannot lose weight rapidly? It is really very simple once you look past the advertsing and look at the facts: Diet prodcuts are either a total scam that will never work in a million years- pill, tea, herb, colon cleanse, etc. Or a short term fix that can't work permanently. Examples here would be diet plan or even weight loss surguery. Of course, the diet scams can't work fast because they are well, just useless scams. Now what's the reason "real" diet products cannot help you lose weight fast?If you're ready, here's the real story you'll never get from people that sell weight loss products. Any diet will work, if it helps you create a calorie deficit. But the people that want to sell you something are leaving out part of the story: Eventually, nearly everyone gets tired of using or spending money on that diet product- and they go right back to the same foods or habits that made them gain weight in the first place. Basically, you are using some kind of special tool to create a calorie deficit for you. And when the day comes when you stop using the tool that you've bought, you stop having the calorie deficit created for you. Now you know why nothing that you can buy works to keep weight off permanently- except taking what never fails for rapid and permanent health and fitness- and adapting it to fit you. Losing weight quickly, getting fit, and looking years younger is much easier than most people realize. It's trying useless scams that makes you feel like losing weight fast is impossible. It's forcing yourself to eat bland diet foods, go hungry, or do brutal workouts that makes you think it's not worth the effort to lose weight. But trust me on this: Taking a few short weeks out of your life and discovering how to fit what never fails into your life IS worth it. I can promise you this: Taking the time to make weight loss fast, simple and easy for you will transform your body and future more than you can imagine. Transforming your body, life, and future will never come in the form of a diet, pill, or weight loss product. It's in the little things you do everyday that add up over time. So don't think you cannot learn how to lose weight fast, you can. All you need is the truth, and the desire to begin.

Simple And Effective Teeth Whitening

Let us not try and over complicate things by technical jargon and learn the simple but effective way to whiten the teeth and most importantly adopt the best way to keep them white in the long term.

In the USA most Americans take great care of their teeth and have adopted teeth whitening as an everyday practise and the desire to maintain their beautiful looking teeth. However in the UK this is something that is starting to take effect but it nowhere as important as our American colleagues.

Having white and bright beautiful makes us look more attractive and healthy and once you have had your teeth whitened then it should be second nature to preserve the whiteness and look after them.

If you look at whitening the teeth as the same way as weight loss management it is an ongoing battle and needs constant attention. This is because the teeth are porous and therefore will get re-stained because of the colorants we have in foods and drinks.

There are several ways to whiten the teeth depending on what suits you and your bank balance. These include the whitening strips, bleaching trays or light based whitening systems. All will have their pros and cons.

Let us start with the strips as these are very popular in the USA and are making real inroads over here in the UK as people are importing them from the USA via the internet or sites like ebay. The strips work well and are quite powerful and effective at removing the surface staining on the teeth but with deeper staining are less effective as they are not strong enough to deep cleanse the enamel. They have to be fairly weak otherwise the gums will get sore and this will reduce peoples use of the strips

The next option is the bleaching trays or general moulds supplied home kits. The bleaching trays will be supplied by dentists who make an impression of the teeth and then send the resin mould to the labs to be made in to rubber fitting moulds which sit round the teeth perfectly. These trays are designed for you to sleep in them overnight and this is sometimes challenging as it changes the sleep pattern.

The other option is the weaker strength home kits which are supplied with universally moulded trays and a tube of gel which you use for around 30-60 minutes at a time to whiten the teeth. Like the strips these work quite well for outside staining but less effective on the deep stuff!

Laser or power whitening is a light based system which uses the light to whiten the gel which activates and whitens the teeth in around one hours treatment. This system is popular as it requires less time and hassle from people and in the UK several brands have cropped up to take advantage of customers seeking this method.

Whatever way you want to whiten the teeth it is always best to seek professional advise or see you dentist on what may work for you.

Normal Sounds And Noises Can Affect Autistic Children

The normal sounds and noises are sometimes better to be silent for some children with autism, because of their sensitivity. But is silence golden? There are many signs for autism. A few of them are, poor eye contact, tantrums, short attention span, lining up items in a certain row and sounds and noises that are normal but painful to some autistic children.

I want to talk to you about the normal sounds and noises that are painful to the ears of many autistic individuals, because of an over sensitivity and sensory that some children have.

For example, large crowds of people talking, malls, airplanes, streets in the city filled with cars and people, riding an elevator, that is full of people talking, concerts, music, holidays with families, are just a few of them.

Many children who have an extreme intense sensitivity to normal sounds or noises, will try to calm themselves by either wringing their hands, shaking their hands and some will rock back and forth. Others will put their hands on their ears, to protect them from the noises.

It is a challenge for parent(s), caregiver(s), to know when these normal sounds or noises will affect the individual. Every person with autism is different and there is no concrete or sure way to predict the behavior of the child with autism.

Try to learn what your child likes or dislikes and how he or she responds to new areas that are being introduced, then tabulate them and be prepared if the behavior to normal sounds or noises are too much for your child to handle, try to keep your child safe from it. Do not push or force your child to like normal sounds or noises, by doing that, it will only cause an outbreak in another behavior area that will have to be dealt with.

Some autistic individuals have an over sensitivity to the sounds that seem to appear, to be functional and normal to other people.

For the child or an adult, with autism, they do not understand why they are so sensitive to normal sounds and noises and they probably are trying to understand or trying to make sense of it themselves. For you, to understand why there is a sensitivity to this kind of behavior, many experts agree that these behaviors might be a way that the child is trying to communicate, relate to or try to figure out what is going on.

Parent(s), caregiver(s), must realize that the intense sensitivity to sound that appears to be normal noises and sounds, is common symptom of autism

Save On Energy Bills By Installing Window Blinds

Offices and many homes have to spend a huge amount each month on energy bills. The spending on energy consumption is mainly on account of keeping the interiors of a commercial and residential building cool in summer. But much of the amount spent on this purpose can be saved if you have installed effective window blinds.

Sun heat becomes harsh in summer and you need to switch on coolers and other equipments to bring down the temperature inside of a home and office for better living and work atmosphere. This is the reason that energy bill skyrockets in the summer.

By installing window blinds on all the office or home windows, the hot sun rays and wind can be effectively stopped from entering the interiors. Depending on the severity of the temperature outside of the building, you can install the blinds accordingly. Thus the blinds help you in keeping the rooms cool and your energy spending for this purpose is reduced to larger extent.

But before you purchase the window coverings like roller blinds and vertical blinds, you should hire an expert who will suggest you the right blinds for your corporate office for the purpose of saving on energy spending.

Make sure that the fabric you select for more controlling of sun heat is good enough to block the sun heat that prevails around the building. For instant a thin or transparent fabric will be entirely ineffective for the purpose. The fabric should also be flame retardant. Ensure that there are some coatings on the fabrics to reflect back most of the sun light for keeping the interior cool in summer.

If you wish to install window blinds on home windows and budget is not adequate, then instead of purchasing from physical stores, try comparing the prices online. As online shopping is known for competitive costs for the customers, you are likely to get the blinds of your choice at comparatively lower prices and within your budget.

go through all aspects of window blinds before finally making the purchasing if you want to install the blinds that are not only effective solution for saving your money on energy bills but also for great dcor.
For more info please visit

The Magical Term With Different Meanings- Darkness

Darkness always gives a very gloomy and moody feel. No wonder darkness is associated to horror and loneliness in movies and literature. It has such a negative impact on the emotions. It also denotes evil or depression in poems and even death or sufferings. No wonder you feel very low during winter times when the sun goes down and the darkness outside reflects on your moods too.

It is amusing that we cannot obtain darkness. Darkness happens when there is no light. So theoretically you can have lightlessness. An object appears dark because it reflects less particles than a lighter object. A white object appears white, because it reflects all the visible light. Scientifically it is not possible to create pitch darkness.

The term is a noun form. Yet it does not have a plural form. The antonym of the term is lightness but will depend on what background the term is used.

In the artistic front, darkness play a key role. Darkness is used to emphasise the brightness or contract of the other colours. The right balance of darkness in colours, gives the picture proportion and form.

Darkness depicts different meanings in different context. Here are a few:-

How To Develop The Writing Habit - Even If You Don't Have Time To Write

Writing takes time, which isn't easy to find.

I know, because although I write for a living, I still don't always spend enough time on the writing that I most want to do. Work, kids, vacuuming all get in the way. And for those people who aren't writers by trade, but need or want to write for professional or business reasons, then you may need a little help developing your writing habit.

The following simple steps can help you write more often and with better results.

1. Write Every Day
Developing a habit means doing something regularly. Therefore you should do your best to find time to write every day. It doesn't have to be a long period of time, even fifteen minutes will do if that's all you can spare. The key is to practice every day!

2. Set Manageable Writing Goals
Books are written one sentence at a time, so don't fall into the trap of only sitting down to write when you have several hours at a time to devote to your work. Even if you only have time to put down a paragraph, that's progress.

3. Don't Stress About Writing
When you over-think your writing projects, they can seem bigger and more important . . . and much more intimidating than they really should be. Just sit down and write; don't make a big deal out of it. The true beauty of a manuscript doesn't appear until a few revisions, anyways. Just put your words on paper.

4. When You're Writing, Write Without Your Inner Critic
Another part of letting loose and approaching writing with confidence is allowing yourself to write terrible sentences and paragraphs just to put something on the page and get through blocks. Don't rework sentences until you've completed an entire draft-it will only slow you down and make writing more difficult.

5. Get Feedback on Your Writing
At some point, you have to start sharing what you're working on with people who can provide encouragement and insight into how to improve. Try to aim for a balance of supporters, like best friends and parents, with professional opinions, which won't always be as easy to swallow as a big cheer from mom.

Anyone who wants to write can do it. Discipline is the key, and catching the writing habit doesn't hurt, either. With these tips, you can write better and faster than you ever imagined.

When Bad Things Happen

"If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different your self." -Norman Vincent Peale

Okay, if you live on earth at some point in time something bad is going to happen to you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is a part of life. You may experience being betrayed, lied to, cheated on, being stabbed in the back by a friend or co-worker, viciously maligned, stolen from, attacked, lose a loved one, lose a job, abandoned by someone you love, taken advantage of and on and on.

Of course it never feels good when adversity lands on your doorstep. And, it's normal to go through a gamut of emotions that are attached to these kinds of difficulties or misfortunes. You grieve. You pick up the pieces. You get your head back on straight and you go through a whole array of different reactions.

The bottom line: you have to deal with it. And how you CHOOSE to deal with it will make all the difference in the world. Nobody wants to deal with liars, cheats, sociopaths, drunks, backstabbers, ladder climbers, egomaniacs or any other of this ilk but the reality is; sometimes you will encounter things you'd rather not even think about.

The good news is that when bad things happen to you if doesn't kill you it actually makes you a bit wiser and strengthens your character.

Oh, I know some of you say, I'd rather have my old weaker character than to have gone through this. But what you are forgetting is that, "This too shall pass." We all have to go through some "thing" and we will all survive.

Depending on how you look at what happens to you will determine whether or not you will hang on to bitterness, anger, resentment etc. or chock it up to part of life, albeit an uncomfortable part, then release it and move on.

So you may ask, "How do I let go? I can't stop thinking of what they did to me or what happened to me." Well, those of you who know me know exactly what I am going to say, you simply stop dwelling on it.

Of course, in the beginning you must deal with the ramifications of the situation. But once you sort through your emotions and deal with what's on your plate, you have to let it go.

If you want you can carry around a torch and be miserable because some unethical, selfish person has no one in mind but themselves or you can chalk it up to, "this sucks" and still go on and live a good life.

It all comes down to how you are going to look at things. Remember, it's not what happens to us in life that matters the most. It is how we choose to perceive it, how we view what's happened!

You can go dive into the woe-is-me pool of life or you can swim out to the big beautiful sea where there is so much more good in store than this one thing that happened to you.

You can choose to hold onto the toxic emotions and thoughts that accompany adversities or you can look to your blessings and the good in your life to give you comfort.

Keeping your mind focused on what is good in your life and living with an attitude of gratitude diminishes the wrongs inflicted upon you and allows you to pick up the pieces with grace and release the pain.

One of my favorite books is, "It's Easier Than You Think" by Sylvia Boorstein. Sylvia states that, "It is when we resist what is, that we suffer the most." And, an old buddhist saying is, "Pain is inevitable, suffering optional."

It's up to you to take the bull by the horns and live life the way you want. You can let someone's lack of integrity dictate your joy or you can take back your power and move on to live the kind of life you truly deserve. Your choice!

Killer Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

There are many numbers of people in this world who are greatly addicted towards smoking. Some of those people are desperate to quit smoking but often they end up without reaching their goal due to lack of proper plan. With the help of carefully planned schedule it is greatly possible to quit smoking. The best way quit smoking is to ensure that the plan which you frame should be greatly feasible and achievable by you. Cigarettes contain a substance called nicotine towards which people fall greatly addictive. This substance causes great health hazards and thus it becomes more important to stop the usage of this substance.

The first thing to realize is that benefits which you will get by quitting the habit of smoking. Basically there are two reasons due to which people are not able to quit the habit of smoking since they are greatly addicted towards it such that they forget to set a goal about quitting this process. The other people are those who derive great level of happiness through the process of smoking. It is therefore a significant step itself to set a goal to quit smoking and you are on the right track. You can remind yourself about the various advantages you will be getting upon quitting the smoking habit. There are tremendous levels of improvement which will take in the human body when you quit the process of smoking.

It is proved that the blood circulation will retain to the normal level within twenty minutes from the time you stop smoking, the carbon mono oxide level will come back to normal state within two hours, the risk of any heart diseases becomes half within one year from the date of stopping to smoke and most important thing to note the risks to various health hazards will become same as that of normal person within ten years from the date you quit smoking. Hence all the above facts and research statements will greatly influence to set a mindset about stopping to smoke. Many people have in fact succeeded to achieve this goal by mainly realizing the wide benefits that are being produced by this.

You must also set a date from which you will be able to stop smoking. Please make sure that the date you set for quitting the habit of smoking will be making yourself busy. You can preferably set a date in which you will be having large amount of works to carry out. You can also brief your friends and relatives about the new set goal and this will also be of great use in fulfilling your wish. Friends and relatives can help you to stop smoking in a significant manner by motivating you for a long period of time.

Thus by using all the above tips it is greatly possible to quit smoking in a considerable manner. There are many people who have been able to achieve this goal and return to their normal health in a very fast manner.

Online Senior Dating Sites: Ease Of Use Means You Have Nothing To Fear

A common concern over those exploring online senior dating will center on the user friendliness of the site. For some, a great deal of frustration can derive from not being able to properly navigate a dating site in an effective manner.

And, while it is true that there are dating sites with navigation problems and other issues, the vast majority of the quality online senior dating sites are designed in such a way that they are perfectly user friendly.

The designers of the sites know that the average person is not tech-savvy. They also realize that no one wants to turn navigating an online senior dating site into a logic puzzle that requires figuring out every step of the equation. That is why most dating sites have been crafted in such a way that "what you see is what you get" in terms of the ability to navigate the site.

In short, all you need to do is use your mouse to point and click and you can pretty much access all the functions of the website.

Here is a little secret about the design of the average online senior dating community website: it is an internalized version of all the basic computer media functions that you have already.

Mainly, the process involves navigating sub-pages (often member profiles), sending and reading email, and using instant messaging systems. If you already have basic experience in these areas, then you probably will have little or no problem finding your way around an online senior dating page.

What about all those "advanced systems" such as computer based phone calls and online voice-mail? Well, you really do not need to use them when exploring your online dating venture since email and instant messenger is enough.

Okay, some may have concerns about operating the email and instant messaging systems on the site. These are all valid concerns. For those that may wonder if they can get the hang of such systems, here is additional good news: many websites come with free trial periods.

These free trial periods are perfect for allowing you to get the hang of the site. You can use this opportunity to get up to speed on the various functions you may not be completely familiar with.

Another positive point with online senior dating sites is that they come with detailed online help instructions. This way, all you need to know about how to operate the functions of the site can be found in the sub-pages of the site itself. And there are also customer services numbers, chats, and forums that can be contacted for further help and clarification.

So, if you are considering joining an online senior dating site and have concerns about navigation, there is no reason to be concerned. The sites have been designed for maximum ease of efficiency. So, why not take advantage of them?

Psoriasis Treatment And 15 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease that affects mostly the skin. It is presently supposed to be autoimmune in origin. It usually causes red, scaly patches to emerge on the skin, though some patients contain no dermatological symptoms.. Skin quickly collect at these sites and takes on a silvery-white appearance. Plaques regularly happen on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can influence any region counting the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals. In difference to eczema, psoriasis is extra probable to be found on the extensor feature of the joint.

Causes of Psoriasis

1. Due to irregularity in the mechanism in which the skin grows and put back itself

2. Irregularity with the metabolism of amino acids

3. Use of sure medicines

4. Unpaid to infections

5. Genetics issue are also responsible

6. Bodily and emotional strain

Symptoms of Psoriasis
1. Red and aggravated skin with brilliant silvery scales

2. Sometimes escort with slight itching

Treatment to Avoid Psoriasis
Dead Sea Salts, this conventional psoriasis treatment to healing obviously has been used in the center east for thousands of years. We have a 6 week psoriasis treatment agenda designed to employ in your home.

Herbal removal like Oregon Grape Root Extract and Herbal Detox Tea mixtures that quietly cleanse your body of toxins and assist optimize your liver purpose. Herbs have traditionally been used for psoriasis treatment and skin situation.

Mild herbal psoriasis creams and shampoos that hold FDA accepted ingredients to join nature with science.

Home Remedies to Get Rid for Psoriasis

1. Gets a well balanced diet counting fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains.

2. Relate a moisturizer to lubricate and soften scaly patches of skin.

3. Get an every day bath in temperate water to soak off the scales.

4. Attempt deep breathing and recreation exercise to decrease stress.

5. Do not get tea, coffee, all animal fats, and procedure foods.

6. Don't scrape or rub patches of congeal skin.

7. Keep away from harsh skin products and lotions that hold alcohol. They may dehydrated the skin and create psoriasis worse.

8. Stay your towel, clothes part and clean.

9. Drink gradually a cup of fresh juice of Bitter Gourd (Karela) varied with a teaspoon of lime juice on an empty stomach every day for 3-4 months. It is extremely effectual in psoriasis treatment.

10. You can also relate Aloe Vera gel or cream finely to aggravated and itchy patches of skin and rub calmly. It is too helpful in psoriasis cure.

11. Boil several soap nuts in water and relate on the exaggerated parts. This will too gives release from psoriasis.

12. Wrap a fresh thin banana leaf on the exaggerated part. This is extremely effectual in curing psoriasis.

13. Create a dilute clarification of lime juice with water. Relate this outwardly on the psoriatic patches.

14. Cabbage soup is also an effectual home remedy for psoriasis. Drink one bowl of it daily.

15. Comprise Vitamin E-rich food in the diet of the patients anguish from psoriasis such as spinach, almond oil, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and wheat germs.

Ditch Your Fat Tummy And Discover Of How To Lose 10 Pounds Or More In A Week

Drastic problems have to have extreme measures and when you're hoping for some speedy unwanted weight loss then you certainly should take some radical steps. I succeeded to lose just over Ten lbs in a single week utilizing these strategies, and while it wasn't easy, it demonstrates that it can be accomplished. Now I'm no gymnasium fanatic or health food freak - in truth exactly the opposite therefore it really goes to show how, with a little perseverance and grit it is possible to attain your weight loss targets and much more essential, shed that fat stomach!

First of all, transform your eating routine. I mean stop eating all that fast foods, fried foods and excess fat laden junk. It might taste great but its slowly killing you, and there's no doubt that its playing a major part as part of your ballooning fat tummy. Of course, it also goes without saying - quit the draught beer and alcoholic beverages immediately. Make sure you begin the day with a grapefruit, since this really is natures greatest way of kick starting your metabolic rate. Make certain when you do eat, that its often and little. By that I suggest take 5 or 6 little meals regularly throughout the day instead of splurging on a late meal within the evening. And while I'm on about it, do not and I mean do not ever, consume food late in the evening. This is when your system shuts down and start to store up calories as opposed to burn them off. If you eat a large meal at supper time you might as well not worry with the rest of my advice - really!

A new eating habits goes hand in hand with some physical exercise, obviously, but don't worry, this will be the couch potatoes physical exercise regime - well virtually. First of all, set aside 15 minutes a day for your normal work out. Do not worry about going towards the fitness center or spending hours on that treadmill - 15-20 minutes of targeted cardio and abs perform will do more for you than any of the Olympic training stuff the fit guys do! If you do the right exercises for the right amount of time then it truly has an amazing effect on your metabolism. You see, combined with your new diet, your body will be burning fats for up to Four several hours - which is right Four several hours - after you finish your work out. Just believe what it would be like if you had to spend those 4 several hours in the fitness center!

Finally, stay hydrated at all times, and drink plenty of cold water. This also boosts your metabolism by up to 20% - and it tastes great. It also helps detox your physique and accelerates the weight loss process.

There you're then, that want so poor was it? That's all I did to lose 10 pounds in my very first week. My fat tummy dropped off significantly and it really spurred me on to accomplish a lot more. I've now lost a total of Four stones and I have never felt better, but I honestly do not know if I could have achieved this without my initial success. Try it right now, after all you've absolutely nothing to lose except your fat tummy.

City-Traveling - Which Type Of Vacation Do You Like

The next summer will come and one may still be thinking and wondering, what do I do this year with my vacation time. Do I stay at home, or do I go somewhere to a nice place of my own choice for some beautiful relaxing time, experiencing something different and much more exciting, than just going every day to work and pay my bills.

But it is often still the case, that

1. People are not used to go on a vacation and also don't know really how to do it.

2. People go on vacation, but always do the same, not realizing, that there are so many different ways to travel, and to experience different things, that it actually never can get really boring. And that the relaxation with some new and other experienced adventuress and fun, will give everybody the special magic enjoyment and happiness each year again.

3. Many of us are so involved in their daily problems, debts or other, that they cannot even think about going on a vacation, and it is completely out of their own world. The wrong attitude is, to do the vacation so-called "at home", where everything is the same for every day all year long, so that a real relaxation with new impressions, fun and lots of adventures can absolutely not occur. These people never come really out of their own trap.

Let's look at, what a real awesome vacation can bring you:

You should go for your vacation time to an area, which seems exciting enough to you and can give you all the choices for your personal likings, so that you can have some incredible happy time somewhere, what is completely different from at home. Then, coming back from there and start doing the usual, you will feel the new gained spirit and power of relaxation, and everybody may look at you as having become a different person. You will never ever regret of having gone on an outstanding trip. But you have to make sure from the beginning, that your vacation has enough variety. If it is a beach, that there are also some other very exciting things happening, you really like doing a lot. Just feel completely excited about your plans and go !

What types choices do you have?

You can break all the different vacation possibilities down into the following activities:

An exotic ocean environment with beaches and lots of awesome climate, real surf and fun, and participating in many different other water activities. Going to a lake, to do something similar, but with no surf and you will get your relaxation with getting much less tourism around you. You can otherwise undertake a trip to the mountains and experience some beautiful and joyful nature, getting your body exercised with marching and climbing. Or do your visit to a city with lots of history, where you can see the attractions from the past, feeling and experiencing all the atmosphere of it in a real time, being there. Finally you can also book for a cruise ship and travel around the oceans, exploring the exciting environment and all the feelings involved on a big ship.

Off course, all these different choices can get mixed somehow. Like going to the mountains can also give you several adventuress choices for swimming in a lake or pool. The same is with a cruise ship, where swimming pools are available on all the decks, and you can swim and sunbathe all day long, having drinks and conversations. But getting to a beach area can give you snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing, parasailing and many other water activities as well. Shopping centers, restaurants and movie theaters you will find in all these places anyway. There will be never any shortage of it.

I hope, that I have given you some good idea, how to go on a vacation. It is you, who has to get out of the daily trap, stepping into a different reality of life and becoming more excited about things, and not being bored at all. Life is something too good, than just wasting it with office work, personal problems and sitting all the time at home.

Have fun, enjoy, and live much better.

Can I Bring My Blood Pressure Down Naturally?


I've just been prescribed a drug for high blood pressure but I don't really want to take it because hair loss is listed as one of the side effects. Can you suggest an alternative course of treatment?


I explain high blood pressure to my patients like this: when you water your garden, you can increase the water pressure by putting a powerful pump on it or by squeezing the nozzle. Similarly, blood pressure increases when the heart (a powerful pump) beats faster or when the arteries are constricted.

Blood pressure varies continuously, rising with exercise or anxiety and falling as you relax. The problem comes with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension), which affects 'about one adult in six in this country and may damage the heart and other organs. Blood pressure measurements are given as two numbers: a resting healthy young adult should reach no more than 120/80 mmHg (units of millimetres of mercury). Generally, hypertension is diagnosed with a reading persistently higher than 140/90 mmHg, even at rest.

The mai factors that cause the heart to beat faster are stress; abnormal production of hormones (mainly adrenalin and thyroxin); chemicals including caffeine, prescription and recreational drugs; excess salt, and lack of oxygen to the brain or tissues, which makes the body try to compensate by increasing blood flow. Blood vessels( particularly arteries) constrict because of stress, muscle spasm (due to tension or fatigue), cholesterol, excess salt coffee, monosodium glutamate or recreational drugs.

There are various states of blood pressure. Stage one is when blood pressure rises when stress is combined with a stimulus such as drinking coffee, consuming excess salt, taking drugs, exercising or being at a high altitude. As soon as the effect of the stimulus passes and/or you relax, blood pressure returns to normal.

In stage two, the body is conditioned to stress so is continuously in a state of high alert, and blood pressure must be controlled with drugs or other means such as acupuncture and herbal remedies.

In stage three, the arteries are narrowed internally With plaque, and blood pressure is even higher, permanently. Strong drugs and diuretics are prescribed.

Stage four spells danger: permanently constricted arteries mean the organs are starved of oxygen and they begin to change in structure and function. The heart beats very fast and begins to get enlarged.

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High blood pressure can't be neglected: the many complications include heart attacks, stroke and coronary artery disease, headaches, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, brain haemorrhage, retinal haemorrhage and kidney damage. Pregnant women may suffer from pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure coupled with kidney problems).

lf your high blood pressure is recently diagnosed and is not too worrying the chances are that the following programme will help regularise it, and you may never need medication.

These are my suggestions


  • Fast once weekly for l6 weeks on non-citrus fruits raw salad and water - the body will relax, so blood pressure will drop. lf you are able to take rest, do a water fast six times in 24 hours drink a 250mltumbler of water with three drops of lime juice and one teaspoon of honey in it. This has a powerful effect in lowering blood pressure and keeping it low.
  • Avoid excess salt, coffee, smoking, red meat, fried food, cheese, rich curries, monosodium glutamate, bacon, sausages, contraceptive pills, HRT tablets and steroids. Drink no more than four units of alcohol weekly.


Rasagandha (Rasashala tablets) is an ayurvedic supplement that helps to calm the mind, relax muscles, lower blood pressure and induce good sleep. Take one tablet at bedtime for two months.


Acupuncture has a good effect in lowering blood pressure.


* Listen to a relaxation/meditation CD at bedtime or in the evening after work every day for two months, such as Dr Ali's Relaxation CD ( Integrated Health Group).

*Practise therapeutic iyenger yoga (particularly the corpse pose) and breathing exercises (particularly 'retention' breathing). Details are in my book Theropeutic Yoga, co-written with Jiwan Brar.


Have a full body massage as often as possible to de-stress. muscles. Massage your neck, or ask someone to do it for you, for l5 to 20 minutes twice weekly to improve oxygen supply to the brain so the heart is not beating so hard. Details on how to do the massages are on my Lifestyle DVD (Integrated Health Group).


Walk briskly in the fresh air for at least 30 to 60 minutes daily.

How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit

Getting a mortgage loan with decent credit can be challenging in of itself, but even more so with bad credit. So, it is of utmost importance to protect one's credit at all cost because one will never know when a good credit history is going to be the difference between owning a home and not owning one. So, how would one go about getting a mortgage with bad credit? It is very difficult, yet very possible.

Providing that one already has a job, the first step is to get a copy of one's credit history from not one or two but from all three credit bureaus'”Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian. The loan officer looking over the credit history will see that it is in dire need of repair. They will then inform the applicant of exactly how to go about repairing the credit report.

Calling creditors and setting up payment settlements is the next major step toward getting a mortgage with bad credit. Most times creditors will work out settlements requiring borrower to only pay a fraction of the original loan. By law, a borrower is required to pay at least 65 percent of the original loan. However, it depends on the creditor. Some will settle for more and some will settle for less, depending on their individual company policies. Always negotiate to payback as close to 65 percent of the original loan as possible.

After most of the delinquencies are cleared up on the credit report, the loan officer will make sure that payment arrangements are made for unpaid debts. Once a payment arrangement is made, the loan officer will use the middle score of the credit report to present to the loan underwriter of the bank or mortgage company for approval. The three credit scores from all three credit bureaus are compared and the one with the second lowest score will be chosen. It is called the middle score. For example, if a person has scores of 547, 588, and 512 from Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian respectively, the Trans Union score of 588 will be chosen.

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The way the credit reporting agencies come up with individual scores is by using the FICO scoring system, which is an acronym from the name Fair Isaac and Company. It measures individual activities on a person's credit report or credit history. The score measures from a range of 400 to 700 plus, with 400 being poor credit and 700 being excellent credit.

The individual activities are measured in percentages: 35% of the score being based on payment history'”any late payments will reduce this score; 30% of the score relates to the amount of credit a person owes'”too much credit cards will reduce this score; 15% of the score pertains to the amount of time a person has had established credit'”one could have no debt, but still have poor credit; and 20% relates to whether or not a person is taking on new debt'”numerous credit applications will reduce this score. Therefore, the best way to qualify for a mortgage with bad credit is learning how the FICO scoring system works and using it to one's advantage.

Another avenue that one could use in getting a mortgage with bad credit is employing a cosigner, a person with great credit and one who will be willing to cosign a mortgage loan. Some people will charge a fee for cosigning.

While paying back loans, one should pay back more than the minimum balance. For example, if the minimum balance is $20, one should pay at least $21. This will show creditors that one is making an effort to eliminate his or her debt as fast as possible. Moreover, paying off more than is owed will help reduce overall interest paid on the loan.

Having a little money saved up in the bank will increase the chances of one getting a mortgage with bad credit. This money does not have to be used toward the mortgage, but the bank will want to see that one will have the means of making payments on the loan for a while if there is an unforeseen illness and one is not able to work for a while'”say, six month or so!

Lastly, it is a good idea to search for lenders who specialize in giving mortgages to people with bad credit. They will be better able and equipped to offer the most appropriate services.

Getting a mortgage with bad credit is challenging but is still very possible, once the correct approach is followed. The credit report is the first thing a creditor looks at; so if people understand how the FICO scoring system works and are able to use it to their advantage, they will be able to get mortgages with bad credit, no matter how difficult the task may seem. Having a cosigner assist in the signing process of the mortgage can make it possible in owning a home. Paying a little more on minimum balances can make a big difference in the amount of interest paid on loans as well as improve the chance of receiving a mortgage with bad credit, and putting some money away in a savings account can make the overall mortgage application process a bit simpler for anyone with bad credit.

Massage Therapy To Help For Anxiety- Tips From One Professional To Another

When I first started as a massage therapist and people would walk into my clinic complaining of anxiety, I simply thought they were really stressed and would give them a simple relaxation massage.

Being disappointed with my treatments, I started to do more research on the subject since I believe to really treat somebody well you really need to understand how they feel. I went on the internet and read a variety of books to get a basic idea but quickly decided to go right to source and ask my clients how they felt and what bothered them.

Today, when somebody says they have anxiety, I follow up with a series of questions. The first being: - How do you feel your anxiety'? The answers can vary from - I feel I can't breathe, like I have a pressure on my chest.?, or - out of nowhere my heart starts beating weird and it makes me panic'I also hear about stomach complaints with phrases like - My stomach feels all twisted and in knots and I seem to have indigestion' and - my brain feels really foggy and I'm having a hard time staying focused'All these answers lead me to believe that some very important points to work on should be the stomach, the head as well as taking some time to focus on breathing techniques.

This all made perfect sense to me. Anxiety, being a psychological disorder affects our mind making us unable to think properly and clearly( foggy head and unable to concentrate). Also, we all know that psychological disturbance can affect our stomach. For example, being nervous to put on a presentation can give us butterflies ( cramps ) in our stomachs, and when we live a stress out heart beat elevates and our breaths get shorter.

From this point on my simple relaxation massage became much more complex and the feedback from my clients has been extremely good.

How I do it:


At the very beginning of the treatment, I take a few minutes to get my clients to be conscious of their breathing and to take deeper and fuller breaths. After a few respirations I put a pressure on their on their upper chest, just enough to get them to work their breathing muscles and ask them to continue with their breathing. After, I move on to put a pressure on the sides of the rib cage using the same technique. When I stop applying the pressure, they are able to take bigger breaths with a lot less effort and their heart rate is slower. Taking the time to do this allows me to start the massage with a calmer and more receptive client.

The Head:

To relax the head I was inspired by Indian head massage techniques. This specialty offers a wide variety of manoeuvres that focus on the head, scalp, face, neck and shoulders and with a little touch of lavender it works wonders.To finish off this area, I like to go work the points at the base of the skull which are important pressure points in Asian techniques to help with anxiety and stress.

The stomach:

I massage the stomach as usual with the help of essential oils. I use peppermint for the intestines and rosemary for the liver to encourage digestion. I also like to use ylang ylang on the lower part of the stomach to stimulate the hormones which can put us in a better mood and relieve the anxiety. And last but not least, I take a bit of time to work the solar plexus with some lavender. This is where most people feel 'knoted' and they enjoy the relief that it offers.

Taking the time to focus on these few points has made a tremendous difference on my clients. They feel like they got a relaxation massage with the added benefits of working targeted areas that really bothered them. I hope this article has been informative for other massage therapists and if your experience has thought you any tricks I would love to hear them. You can do so by leaving me at

Treatment for gout pain

Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis that usually affects the toe joints. Middle age men those who consume large amounts of meat, eggs and other purine rich foods are more prone to gout. Women are less prone to gout because of their female hormone estrogen. There are many factors, responsible for gout.

More likely to have gout, if you are -

- A middle aged man aged between 40 to 50 years

- A post-menopausal woman.

- Consuming high purine foods such red meat and seafood (see Prevention)

- Drinking excess alcohol

- Taking certain diuretic medication.

- Having a family history of gout

- Suffering from kidney disease.

- Overweight

- Suffering from high blood pressure

Certain medicines are also known for causing gout such as diuretics, niacin, low doses of aspirin, cyclosporine and some drugs used to treat cancer.

An attack of gout often starts at night usually in the big toe. Some other joints may also be affected. Some common symptoms of gout are pain and swelling, fever, red and shiny skin around your joint. Frequent gout attacks can also lead to kidney troubles and tophi, which are soft tissue swellings caused by uric acid crystals. Gout sufferers are also at risk for kidney disease or kidney stones.

In addition to visiting your doctor for treatment, follow some tips on treatment for gout pain:

- Try to avoid high purine foods that stimulate the production of uric acid. Some well known high purine foods are meat and meat stock, shellfish, fatty fish, anchovies, eggs, and caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, chocolate).

-'''''? Eat moderate purine foods no more than 1 serving a day: Some common moderate purine foods are spinach, dry beans, yeast, whole-grain cereals, breads, asparagus, cauliflower, lentils, mushrooms, oatmeal and dry peas.

-'''''? Say low or not to alcohol.

-'''''? In order to eliminate excess uric acid from your body, try to drink eight to ten glasses of water on daily basis.

-'''''? Drinking herbal teas, rosehip and peppermint are also beneficial in the treatment of gout pain.

-'''''? Eat vitamin C and phosphorous rich fruits for your good. Natural source of phosphorous is banana and vitamin C is found abundantly in citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, cherries and berries.

-'''''? Eating a bowl full of cherries is an effective treatment for gout pain. According to the experts cherries are loaded with natural enzyme that helps break down and promote the excretion of uric acid.

-'''''? Don't wear tight-fitting shoes.

-'''''? Try to eat a well-balanced diet and exercise to lose excess weight.

Introducing the first porn made for the blind!

Introducing the first porn made for the blind!

Meet a magazine called ¡°Tactile Minds,¡± retailing for approximately $230. It¡¯s being billed as the first pornographic magazine made just for the enjoyment of the blind.
Apparently, it¡¯s a known fact that blind people prefer their pornography to have no facial features or hands.
According to Business Insider:
It¡¯s called ¡°Tactile Minds¡± and the publication features 17 raised images and ¡°explicit text¡± in braille.
Despite the hefty price tag, ¡°Tactile Minds¡± could be successful. Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry, and according to creator Lisa Murphy, the blind are an ignored market.
For the record, the picture above is from the first issue of ¡°Tactile Minds.¡± I get the readers are blind, but could that be any less hunky of a braille man? I know maybe the blind don¡¯t have the greatest reference points to physical attractiveness, but asking them to try to get off to a disembodied man who looks like the Gimp from ¡°Pulp Fiction¡± just seems insulting.

Saddest picture OF The Century {Vulture waiting child to die}

In March 1993 Kevin Carter made a trip to southern Sudan and took this photograph. The picture would later bring him the Pulitzer prize, but also death. The girl had stopped to rest while struggling to reach the refugee camp, nearby a vulture is waiting her to die. It is a horrific picture that gave people a true look at the dire condition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kevin then came under a lot of scrutiny for spending over 20 minutes setting up the photo instead of helping the child. Three months after taking the photo, he committed suicide.

Customer Care In 2020

Customer Care In 2020

Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your..."

Customer: "Heloo, can I order.."

Operator : "Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?"
Customer: "It's eh..., hold.......... on......889861356102049998-45-

Operator : "OK... you're... Mr Singh and you're calling from 17
Kayu. Your home number is 4094! 2366, your office 76452302 and your
is 0142662566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?"

Customer: "Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?

Operator : "We are connected to the system Sir"

Customer: "May I order your Seafood Pizza..."

Operator : "That's not a good idea Sir"

Customer: "How come?"

Operator : "According to your medical records, you have high blood
pressure and even higher cholesterol level Sir"

Customer: "What?... What do you recommend then?"

Operator : "Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it"

Customer: "How do you know for sure?"

Operator : "You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes"
the National Library last week Sir"

Customer: "OK I give up... Give me three family size ones then, how
will that cost?"

Operator : "That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The
is $49.9! 9"

Customer: "Can I pay by! credit card?"

Operator : "I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit
card is
over the limit and you owe your bank $3,720.55 since October last
That's not including the late payment charges on your housing loan,

Customer: "I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and
some cash before your guy arrives"

Operator : "You can't Sir. Based on the records,you've reached your
daily limit on machine withdrawal today"

Customer: "Never mind just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash ready.
How long is it gonna take anyway?"

Operator : "About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can always
come and collect it on your motorcycle..."

Customer: " What!"

Operator : "According to the details in system ,you own a
Scooter,...registration number 1123..."

Customer: " ????"

Operator : "Is there anything else Sir?"

Customer: "Nothing.! .. by the way... aren't you giving me that 3
bottles of cola as advertised?"

Operator : "We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're

diabetic....... "

Customer: Sale G***u, M****c**d

Operator "Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 15th July 1987
were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman...?"